The Hard Work of Angels (2017)
- April Moon, Hawks in Low Branches Will Devitt - electric guitar, percussion & synthesizer sounds via Auxy and Animoog iPad apps, effects processing; Paul Sturm - audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 5:00
- The Hard Work of Angels - Symphony No. 4, part 1 Paul Sturm - trombone, piano, drums, percussion, junk metal, unplugged electric guitar, field recordings & re-purposed sounds, audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing Will Devitt - field recordings of protesters against President Trump’s anti-immigration order 4:08
- The Hard Work of Angels - Symphony No. 4, part 2 Will Devitt - electric guitar, percussion & synthesizer sounds via Auxy and Animoog iPad apps, effects processing; Paul Sturm - audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 10:08
- The Hard Work of Angels - Symphony No. 4, part 3 Will Devitt - electric guitar, percussion & synthesizer sounds via Auxy and Animoog iPad apps, effects processing; Paul Sturm - audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 13:20
- The Hard Work of Angels - Symphony No. 4, part 4 Paul Sturm - audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing Will Devitt - pedal steel guitar sound generated via iPad ThumbJam app 3:58
- Firefly Will Devitt - E-bow electric guitar, iPad Animoog app; Paul Sturm - electric guitar, drums, percussion, voice, audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 3:25
- Firefly Postlude ('Billy lost in the woods') Will Devitt - E-bow electric guitar, iPad Animoog app; Paul Sturm - percussion, audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 5:38
- Times Are Bad (35th anniv. beatbox mix) Paul Sturm - re-purposed audio (“Times Are Bad" from Long Distance by Paul Sturm), drum samples, audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 3:00
- Goodnight Bells (Shinto mix) Will Devitt - iPad synthesizer (bell sound), E-bow electric guitar; Paul Sturm - all other sounds, audio editing, looping, manipulation & processing 3:15